Perhaps I'm giving away a multi million dollar idea here, but what about doing a documentary, which you then later produce into a reality show (hint hint networks!) about 5 or 6 poker players (of which Yours Truly would happily volunteer) who get 15K as a starting bankroll. They live in an apartment that they have to pay for every month somewhere near a casino, but don't start them in Vegas. That would be too easy.
Put them in Mississippi or some other remote location. These players go and play live tournaments and/or cash games with the purpose of growing their bankroll to a specified amount. The goal would be to build a WSOP bankroll within one year or whatever you want it to be. Perhaps you start filming the day after the 2012 WSOP ends?
I wonder what would happen. Would they go broke? Would they break even? Would they be up only a little, or down only a little? Would they lose it right away? Would they be able to pay their bills? Or have a relationship? Would they win big? Would they win early and then blow it all? How would they change psychologically? After all, no day is truly the same in poker. Take all the "reality" shows you've ever seen and now add a little reality to them.
I mean look at Lamar Odom's situation for example. He plays for the Los Angeles Lakers, gets a reality show, marries a Kardashian, and then gets traded to Dallas! Now how's that for reality? I know Lamar doesn't like it, but if I were the producer of that show, I'd be pretty psyched. It's the struggle that people really want to see. They also want to see hard work get rewarded not roses and fluffy clouds. Reality is hard for most of us. It can be cruel to all of us. If even one, or better yet, more than one, of these players could pull it off it would help give the game of poker some much needed hope, and for guys like me who are just trying to work and build a bankroll so they can play. C'mon HBO are ya with me on this one?
google 2 months 2 million